Monday, March 31, 2014

3 • 30 Challenge

I've been overweight most of my adult life. I played football (high school) and tennis (high school and college) and was generally a fairly athletic teenager. In fact, I had the opportunity to play tennis professionally. Once I stopped playing and moved on to other things, I gained some weight that I've never taken off. Then I went through a particularly stressful period of time and gained a lot of weight. I tend to be a stress eater.

The last few years, though, I've been convicted about getting healthier, not so much for the sake of appearance (that too), but to be healthier...for all of the typical reasons and, particularly, so that I have the energy I need to keep up with ministry and to set an example for the people in my sphere of influence. I've always kept a fairly rigorous schedule, but I've found myself tiring much more easily.

So I joined the gym and ate better, and dropped over forty pounds from when we moved to Ohio in 2010, most of which during this past August, September and October. In November and December, I had a stretch of 6-8 weeks where I was working 60 to 70 hours a week in front of a computer. I knew I would be forced to be mostly sedentary during that time, so I expected to gain back about fifteen of the pounds I had lost. I gained back nine; less than I expected but still not what I want in the long run.

In the time since, I haven't gained a ton of weight back, but I've definitely hit a plateau. I've gotten out of the gym habit, and while I haven't been eating lots of junk food, I haven't been watching what I eat, paying attention to portions, etc, as much as I was.

That ends now. Starting tomorrow, I am starting a 3 • 30 Challenge (something I just made up): I am committing to lose 30 lbs in the next 3 months. My birthday is July 2, so by then, I will lose 30 lbs. This is not just about losing weight...though I definitely need to do so...but a lifestyle change. When I'm hitting the gym regularly and eating healthier, I feel better. It's that simple. When I'm not, I'm tired more often and more significantly, my long-term back injury acts up, and I'm generally cranky. And, most importantly for me, I need energy to leverage my time for God's kingdom most effectively.

I'm not really worried about motivation. I have a strong will and I finish what I start. But I'm posting it here so it's on "public record" and I have accountability to it. I can honestly say that my greatest desire in life is to honor God. For me, nothing else matters (or, rather, everything else that matters flows from that). I've spent too much of my life not honoring God (and, in fact, dishonoring God) with my physical health. So I'm getting back on track to rectify that. If anyone wants to join me, I'll be glad to have you along. 3 • 30: 3 months, 30 lbs. Book it.